Zoey’s Devotions ~

When you’re troubled by what is going on around you, what should you do?  Usually that is the first question that pops in your mind, right?  No matter what the situation or circumstances, you’re troubled by how it is affecting you, others and your life.  Well, I don’t have the answers but I give a direction to focus towards.  Most of us use our personal knowledge base to work out a solution.  We lean on our own thinking to bring an answer.  Sometimes, it works out okay and we see a difference begin to happen.  But most times, than not…we find the result are temporary and fading.  This is when we must stand on the word of God alone.  Why, you might ask is God’s word above eduction and folk-lore?  Well, because it has stood the test of time.  And it will continue to go forth in time…because the Word of God creates.  You might look at the bible as a book with words that man has written to confirm a religious belief.  And that is right.  But it is an inspired word by the author.  It is an account of time that the author created.  It is a tangible tool that we can use to reference  what is the truth for the basis of our existence. If you get the chance to read about the Dead Sea Scrolls, for instance, you may find it fascinating how they  came to be preserved in a cave inside clay pots. But it is not a mere coincidence that God directed simple Bedouin herders to  find these centuries after they were hidden in these caves.  God is a faithful teacher.  His word instructs people to a life that is full of His promises if we believe and trust in Him.  Begin.  Walk in God’s word daily and prove His love is unfailing towards you and in your life.  Blessings.

My devotion:

Hosea 14:4-9

“I will heal their waywardness” and love them freely,” for my anger has turned away from them.  I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily.  Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots; his young shoots will grow.  His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon.  Men will dwell again in his shade.  He will flourish like the grain.

He will blossom like a vine, and his fame will be like the wine from Lebanon.  O Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols?  I will answer him and care for him.  I am like a green pine tree; your fruitfulness comes from me.  Who is wise?  He will realize these things.  Who is discerning?  He will understand them.  The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous will walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.”

Blessings to you today as God brings His sweet fragrance and morning dew to your heart.   


9 thoughts on “Zoey’s Devotions ~”

  1. Zoey… now it is my turn… sorry I hit the button without saying… thanks Zoey for another great reminder for us. Lord bless you! (see you are not the only with with additions to your postings! Ugh!

  2. “But it is an inspired word by the author. It is an account of time that the author created. It is a tangible tool that we can use to reference what is the truth for the basis of our existence.”

    Thanks for this great reminder. Sometimes we all have a tendency to forget the main themes of the Word. Jesus Christ, His person, work and teachings…. including the true meaning to our life. What a wonderful book it is.

  3. Just found this devotion – I am a newbie to the blogging world (only since end of May 2013) and have stumbled across Tapestry Treasures only recently. All the ladies on this site who are serving our Lord through their words and hearts are absolutely a gift. As things continue to go completely pear-shaped in this world, I rely on my faith, God’s word and God’s community to help navigate the troubles and challenges we face everyday. With your permission, I would like to share/reblog this. I lead a book/club bible study to a dozen or so high school girls, and though they take counsel in my guidance, it is nice to hear/read about it from other women who have gone before them and “been there, done that.” We are doing a Kay Arthur Study on “Where are you God When Bad things Happen”? based on the book of Habakkuk, This devotion is perfect fodder for discussion! Thank you all for your ministry to others. Your are doing Kingdom work!

    I will pray for Tapestry Treasures to be a voice in the darkness for many.

    In Him,
    M. Turrisi (setyourpathsstraight@gmail.com)

    1. God bless you! I will share this with the team, it will bless their hearts to hear this…thank you!! Our prayers will be with you, that your outreach will raise up Godly young women to bring His light to their generation! Please keep in touch! ~Zoey

  4. Often, I find myself rushing to solve a problem, searching for an immediate solution. But, an immediate solution is not always the best, nor the most thought out. The anxiety I feel and the sense of loss of control are overwhelming to me. I am learning that this is a waste of time and energy for me. Yes, I feel that through the Lords grace, I have obtained a humanly intelligent mind. But, it is not always discerning, and I am only able to use my life experiences to tackle the issue. The Lord, our God is all knowing. He has the ultimate “Big Picture” mind, if I may capture just a tad of His abilities. I am still learning to take my questions to the Lord first, and to wait for His answer. That is the hard part for me..the waiting. But, I am learning…and the Lord is giving me grace while I do.

  5. I love that you pointed out that God’s Word is above all. God’s Word creates. That is so cool! The more I focus on God’s Word being alive the more alive it is in me. The more alive I become. I am becoming resurrected in my thinking and in my being.

    Hebrews 4:12

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    12 For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

    Every word He speaks to me, is ALIVE and FULL OF POWER. It is not just words on a page, written by someone hundreds of years ago. It is comfort when I need it, encouragement for when I doubt. It is active and operational and totally effective for every situation I face. It is alive, relevant and revolutionary to my life.

    When I understand that His Word is alive, it changes how I read and think about His Word. It changes me….expanding my heart and mind to receive His life giving Words. This nourishes my soul and encourages my heart.

    Thank you, for bringing this to my focus. ❤