
Unfold the Beauty Within You…


I would like to celebrate our wonderful Jenni. I say it that way because if we were close enough to visit each other, I would have a party for her and everyone would be invited. But alas, we must settle for a virtual party instead. Although we end of the Battlefield of the Mind study, I wanted you to know…Jenni, you are simply amazing.

I hold the highest respect for your dedication to our study group and the faithfulness in searching out the word of God for answers above all. Each week you provided a straightforward and practical look at life and the everyday challenges. You stayed focused on what the subject topic spoke about – sharing from your own life experiences the human factor with candor and honesty. We are so fortunate to have your keen spiritual insight and spiritual aptitudes to guide us through each step of this journey. I know for me it has made a difference and I will always thank Jesus for this divine appointment.

What strength each of us has gained by walking in God’s grace through this battlefield of the mind. Each lesson deepened His love in our spirit, soul and made us mindful of His enduring truths found in the scriptures. We are wiser for the knowledge of how to use the keys of His promises to unlock the blessings He has provided for us who love and worship Him.

Jenni, you speak of God’s love from your love walk with Him. What an example of Jesus I see in you. He walked with a single focus, which was to please His Father…God. You walk with a single focus to share the love of Jesus with others. Someone once said that it is not what you do- as in career, fame and fortune but more for how people remember who you were while here on earth. A friend who loved to share with us her love walks with Jesus…that is who you are to me and I celebrate our friendship!!

I am excited to be part of these Women of Faith!  We are equipped for Victory! We are strong in God’s unfailing love in so much that it is a Joy to reach out and take the hand of others who have a need. We are ready, willing and able to show the world that all things are possible with God!!

I will close with this scripture from Romans 8:28…” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

Much love and blessings to our sweet sister in Christ….Jenni!!!


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